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The Power of Passion

By: Gillian Rasmussen // April 2, 2015


As a consultant I have the opportunity to work with a wide variety of workplaces in a wide variety of industries. I love the variety inherent in my job. Each project is interesting in its own special way – but I confess, there are some projects I enjoy more than others. A project I am currently working on has been particularly positive experience. I feel particularly “engaged” – so I thought I would unpack why I feel this way. What can this project teach me about increasing morale and employee engagement in the workplace?

This project is part of an initiative that people are passionate about. People are eager to lend their time and talents to the project because they believe in it. This project has to do with a core part of their work – a part that is complex and difficult. Although change in this area is also complex and difficult – those involved in this project believe deep down that change is possible and necessary – and that the hard is worth it. I have found that that kind of passion is catching.

So what is the impact on me and upon my work? First off, I find all tasks related to this project more enjoyable – even the very detailed work I often find difficult. I find myself more willing to work at odd hours to meet tight timelines. Now – I am often willing to work odd hours; the difference is with this project I feel happy about it.

Amy Anderson of Forbes magazine writes, “I believe that when we are passionate about something we have more energy, we work much harder, we get more creative, we search more diligently for solutions when difficult problems arise, and we inspire others who work alongside us”.

Clearly, passion is something that all leaders should think about.  So what are you passionate about?